Saturday, February 17, 2007

It's FMH Weekend!


Time to celebrate, MiniMate style!


Here are the prototypes for the upcoming Fearless Monster Hunter Minimates. Pending Licensor Approval, these should see production within the next couple of months.


I'm currently waiting for some more primer from Games Workshop to show up, so I started working on my next project. Here's the WIP photos for it:

The Great Machine, from Brian K. Vaughn and Tony Harris' wonderful book Ex-Machina.




If you've never read the book, go get it NOW! It's a great book. There are four TPB's available at your local comic shop or

Logo Designs for the "NEW" Fearless Monster Hunters

Here, we have the logotype. I still gotta work on the highlights/shadows... I did this one quick.


And the new logo. This is the one for the babydoll tees and thongs at our CafePress store:


I like it. Makes me want to redo the regular FMH Logo... We've used it for far too long now...

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Crush Them Now, Giant Robo!


I just re-watched this over the weekend after coercing a friend into buying it... And...

It's still as good as I remembered.


If you've never seen it, give it a try. You can get the entire series for under $20 at BestBuy. Watch it all as quick as you can. By the end of the series, you'll realize that you just watched something amazing... Something that can honestly be called, the Greatest Anime Ever!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Onslaught WIP



First post in the B.O.D., and I thought I'd use it to show you what I'm working on now. Onslaught from the Marvel Universe. This figure is massive. Built on a 3" Minimate body, everything but the helmet is scratchbuilt. I recast and modified the existing Magneto helmet for use on this figure. I've got a couple copies to make, so I really need to start painting...

You can see a few more shots of the WIP here: